About Us
Ms. Pichleakena Keo
Ms. Keo Pichleakena has worked for nearly 5 years in legal field. She has extensive experience in advising, preparing agreements and representing clients on civil & criminal matters in judicial proceedings. She enables to provide less of legal risk over the cases and represent according to laws. Before joining Legal Trust Law Firm, Ms. Leakena worked as legal assistant in one of regional law firm in Cambodia where she focused on contract drafting and giving legal advices on the agreement. Moreover, she also worked and assist lawyer in both in court and alternative dispute resolution. She has been recently engaged to one commercial bank in Cambodia. Her main responsibilities are to ensure the bank was protected under the non-performance loans recovery process and also appear before the court in representing the bank in debt claim between the bank and clients. Ms. Leakena holds a Master’s Degree in Private law, and Bachelor’s Degree of English Language Base Bachelor of Law (ELBBL) from Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) in Cambodia. She was admitted into the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2020. She speaks Khmer (mother tongue) fluent English and good Thai languages.