

Civil Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolutions

It is common that when encountering problems in daily life, people tend to look for support and solutions from the closest people - may be family members, friends or colleagues and nothing is wrong with that. However, remember that our family, friends, or colleagues normally share the emotional time with you and followingly tend to suggest emotional solutions which might not be in your best interest. As a professional, we suggest you seek support from a professional who could stand from a different angle and offer you the most reasonable way out.


Most of the civil ligation cases are claims of a breach of loan agreements. High Risk = High Return (only if you have risk mitigation and contingency plan). If you lend out your money, make sure you have mitigated your risk and if the thing goes south, you have set your contingency plan. It might sound a little too difficult but it is a little easier than you think.

  • Assess your debtor’s credibility
  • Assess your debtor’s collateral
  • Consult your lawyer
  • Make yourself the first prioritized creditor
  • Use a simple but sufficient legal agreement
  • Avoid the lawsuit process, but be effective if you need one

High Risk? => Make it low!

At the Legal Trust Law Firm, if the client is a creditor, we support them to claim back their principal, plus interest and penalty fee from their debtors. However, you are a debtor but feel like you have been blood-sucking (sky-high interest rate), you will support you to claim back your overpaid interest rate.



Tort is the illegal violation of the rights or benefits of another intentionally or negligently and shall be liable for the payment of damages occurring as a result. There are so many different kinds of torts - negligent or intentional. Negligent tort usually is seen in cases like car accidents, medical malpractice, and slip and fall accidents. Intentional torts are injuries that arise from purposeful conduct. Such an act amounts to an intentional tort that can also be considered a crime under the Criminal Code, meaning that a single act can give rise to a civil lawsuit and a criminal prosecution. Examples of these kinds of acts are assault and battery.

One common tort seen was defective product case; however, the case is rarely seen in Cambodia. Thanks to the recently enacted law - Law on Consumer Protection, cunsumers now have more legal grounds to seek compensation for the damages resulting from defective products.

If you happened to be a victim of tort, please contact our expert lawyers who will make sure you are covered and the wrongdoer liable for their wrongdoings. Our services include the presentation in the negotiation, trail proceeding to the appeal.


Customer Complaint Resolutions

The world evolved, the economy increased, consumers demanded, and producers supplied, these are facts. In any business or jurisdiction, the consumers were naturally the weaker counterparts in the transactions. Therefore, modern jurisdictions with a strong legal system are often keen to establish regulations to protect the consumers' rights and benefits.

In the past decade, Cambodia introduced and implemented, although not yet at full length, the important regulations which imposed the obligations of the service provider/sellers (started with delicate and complex industries such as banking, insurance, and security exchange…) to establish internal customer complaint resolutions guideline and the government entities to solve the customer's complaints before the court proceeding. This mechanism aims at providing quicker and easier solutions for the customers.

Therefore, with the existing regulations and technical support provided by the Legal Trust Law Firm, you can rest assured that your rights and benefits would be considered and protected. We will support through out each important stage such as:

  • Drafting/preparing legal documents
  • Communicating/negotiating with the provider/seller on your behalf
  • Preparing evidence and submitting all claims
  • Representing you at all stages
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